We need to talk about books! #7

Today I have the pleasure of catching up with George from Buried In Books, where he writes fantasy, sci-fi and YA book review.

Apart from books, what can be found on your bookshelf?

I like to keep mementos and little trinkets on my bookshelf to give them a little style.

What do you do with books once you’ve read them?

I usually keep all the books I read unless I really didn’t enjoy them then I take them to the charity shop or give them away.

Do you tend to re-read books?

No, I don’t usually re-read books but when I do it’s because it’s one of my favourites.

How do you feel about lending books to friends?

I only lend books to close friends and only books that have no significant value or sentimental value.

Are you a 'spine bender'?

No! When I see a book with a bent spine it annoys me, I love to keep my books looking brand new. On my favourite books I put plastic covers on, like you see in libraries.

Do you write in books?

Not very often and if I do it’s only my name and when I read it.

Do you take a book with you when you go out?

Yes, I take my kindle with me when I go out especially if I use public transport.

If you have a partner, do they love reading too?

Yes, my partner is the person that got me into reading and blogging in the first place.

Do you two share the same taste in books?

Yes, we share a lot of the same taste in books but I prefer Fantasy and she prefers YA and Adult fiction.

Have you ever met an author? If so, how did it go?

I have met a few authors but the first author I met was Sharon Gossling. We talked a little about her book and I got a copy signed.

And that was my last question for you. Thank you so much for joining me today!

If you'd like to read George's book reviews, you can follow him on all the usual channels:

Blog: https://buriedinbooks1999.wordpress.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/70459280-george-buriedinbooks
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/G_BuriedInBooks

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