This is not a book! #2

I have recently reviewed The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter, the latest novel of author Cherry Radford.

As you might guess from the title, lighthouses play an important role in the novel. You read correctly, not one lighthouse rather two lighthouses. There is the one where Imogen's father used to work - now automated - and the converted one where Imogen is staying in the wake of the end of her marriage.
Both lighthouses are wonderfully described by Cherry Radford and, while reading, I felt like I was there along the coast with her. On the blog tour, a lot of readers have mentioned being fascinated by this setting, so I thought I'd go on a little adventure on their behalf...
Beachy Head lighthouse

Belle Tout lighthouse, now a B&B
Another person fascinated by the coast and its symbols is Suffolk-based artist and designer Rebecca Pymar and below you can see her take on Orford Ness lighthouse in magnet form.
There is something extremely pleasing in the Art Deco-inspired clear lines, geometric shapes and intense colours of this image. Plus, the magnet is nice and sturdy, which makes it useful in addition to decorative.

I strongly advise you to check out Rebecca's Etsy shop to admire her other designs, which can be produced as prints, greeting cards, magnets and tote bags. First of all, however, let's hear it from the artist herself:

Hi Rebecca! How did you develop your style?

I have a background in screen-printing and abstract painting and I feel my style harnesses the two processes quite effectively.

Where do you find your inspiration?

I find most of my inspiration from travel posters, Art Deco buildings and, of course, the coast.

Do you have a favourite image?

My favourite piece at the moment (though it does change constantly!) is Brighton pier. It took such a long time to paint but was so worth it to see the final result.

What is your favourite part of the creative process?

My favourite part is when the piece suddenly starts coming together. It is not always easy when I’m the middle of the painting process to see exactly how the painting might turn out and I often feel a little uncertain at times. The turning point is when you start to see how the final result will look and you feel happy with it. It is very satisfying!

What are you currently reading?

I’m reading a book called ‘Daddy’ by Loup Durand.
Now, for a chance to win this magnet, please follow my instructions on Twitter here or enter your details here until 28/05. This competition is open internationally. Good luck!


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