We need to talk about books! #6

This week I have the pleasure of catching up with Rachel from Rachel’s Rambling Reviews, where she writes about all of her favourite books, mainly fantasy, and rates them in cats (because she’s a bit of a cat lady).

Are your bookshelves a ‘work in progress’ like mine or are they clearly and systematically organised?

They’re a work in progress – I don’t have much room in my house, and I only have one small bookshelf – which is jam packed. The rest of my books are spread all around the house – I even have a drawer full of them in my bedroom.

I guess I put books I’m less likely to re-read at the back, ones I’m more likely to re-read at the front.

Apart from books, what is to be found on your bookshelves?

Like I said I don’t really have any room on my shelves, but on top I have photos and plush toys, and also some Harry Potter merch.

What do you do with books once you’ve read them?

Generally, I keep all my books because I’m likely to re-read them (I’m a big re-reader) but lately without much room I’ve been giving them to friends or family that I think would like them, or donating the ones I know I won’t be reading again.

Have you ever read or started reading a book only to realise that you had already read it?

Yes I have, but not often. It’s mainly when I read something I got in a kindle daily deal, and then I get a sense of deja-vu, which usually means it was a book I read during school that I didn’t remember.

How do you feel about lending books to friends?

I only really have one friend that reads books like me, but she has a totally different taste, so it’s not often that I do lend my books out, but I’m fine with doing it, as long as they don’t ruin them.

Are you a ‘spine bender’ or do you like your spines to be pristine?

I try not to bed my spines, but sometimes I do. I don’t mind too much either way, I just want to enjoy the book.

Do you write in books, do you use sticky notes for your comments or something like that?

I don’t write in books, no. I don’t like the idea of it. But I do bookmark on my kindle when something I want to write about interests me, or in a real book I write notes in my phone if that counts?

If you take physical books on holiday with you, how do you choose them?

I take usually one or two physical copies of books, and also an e-reader so I can decide which is easier, and also because I’m a quick reader so go through my physical copies quickly. I also tend to pick ones that interest me most, or now I’m a blogger those that I have a deadline to read by.

Do you take a book with you whenever you go out, just in case?

Yes, I always carry a book, or if I don’t have a big enough bag I always have my iPod which also has the kindle app on. Got to have something to do while travelling, why not reading?

What is the prettiest book to be found in your current TBR pile?

It has to be State of Sorrow by Melinda Salisbury. It’s a beautiful colour and the ripples are textured, which is so pretty.

Have you ever met an author? How did it go?

I have met 2 authors, at book launches, and I failed at talking to them spectacularly! Hopefully I’ll get better at it soon!

If you were to write a book, what genre would it be?

Definitely fantasy, I’m a fantasy girl through and through.

And that was my last question for you. Thank you so much for joining me today!

If you'd like to keep in touch with Rachel and her feline book critics, this is where you can find her:

Blog: http://rachels-readings.blogspot.co.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rachels_reads
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachels_readings/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5718968-rachel-b

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