In conversation with... T.M. Logan

Hi Tim! First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the publication of The Catch! Can you please briefly tell us what it is about?

A: The Catch is a psychological thriller about a father who becomes convinced his daughter is about to marry a man with terrible secrets. Terrified that his cherished only child is about to marry a man who is not what he seems, Ed sets out to uncover the truth - before it's too late. But as he delves deeper, he risks alienating everyone he loves and turning his whole family against him…

Did you have the plot entirely figured out when you started writing the book or did it take an unexpected turn as the characters grew on the page?

A: I had about two-thirds of the plot worked out in my head before I started, including some of the key turning points along the way. But the characters always bring out new elements to the story as I write it. I get to know the characters better during the writing – including how they relate to each other – and they always bring new twists and turns to the story that I can’t see when I’m planning at the beginning. 

Why the choice of the Dark Peak? How important is location for you?

A: I love this area for its remoteness, and the name is so evocative too. It’s in the heart of the Peak District and is really quite wild, somewhere you could genuinely get lost. It was actually my father-in-law who suggested it as a good location: we were having a conversation about good places to bury a body (!) and he mentioned the Dark Peak. So I went up there for a day and explored the area, and knew right away it would be perfect to feature in The Catch.

If this novel was going to be turned into a film, who would you cast in the roles of Ryan and Ed?

A: That’s a tough one! I think everyone who reads it will have different ideas for these two characters, and who they see in their mind’s eye. For Ryan, it would probably be someone like Ben Barnes, Zac Efron, Dave Franco or Harry Styles (although the latter might be slightly too young). For Ed, I might say David Morrisey, Gerard Butler or Ioan Gruffud. Lily James would be excellent as Abbie.

Without giving too much away, can you tell us about a scene in the book that you love or that was particularly difficult to write?

A: The scene up on the moors of the Peak District that happens about two-thirds of the way through the book falls into both categories! I loved writing it but it was also difficult, for reasons which I can’t go into too much in case of spoilers. But suffice to say I rewrote it quite a few times to get it right, and thought a lot about what it meant for the rest of the story.

Is there anything that didn’t make it into the final version of the book?

A: In the first draft there were some elements about Ed’s backstory that didn’t make it into the final version, about his own childhood experiences and how they shaped him as an adult. But it slowed the story down too much so those chapters didn’t make the final cut.

If you are already working on your next writing project, would you mind giving us a little anticipation of what we are to expect?

A: I’ve just finished the first draft of my fifth book, which is called TRUST ME. It starts with two women who meet on a train, and a simple act of kindness - one of them doing a quick favour for the other – that has terrifying consequences for all involved. I’m very excited about it! Will be coming out in the UK in summer 2021.

What are you reading at the moment?

A: I’ve been reading a series of really good advance review copies recently, of books coming out this summer. I’ve just finished The Resident by David Jackson, The Search Party by Simon Lelic and How to Disappear by Gillian McAllister – all excellent. 

Due to the popularity of social networking websites, interacting with readers – be it via Twitter, Facebook Instagram etc. – is becoming increasingly important. How do you cope with these new demands on authors and do you think that they somehow disrupt your writing schedule?

A: I try to compartmentalise the writing from everything else. I’m lucky enough to write full-time, so I try to keep at least 4-5 hours a day that are just writing, nothing else. During that time I will turn off the alerts on my phone and try not to check Twitter or Facebook etc, only going back to them when I’ve done my 1200 words (or whatever the day’s target is). I love talking to readers on social media and it adds a whole new dimension to the solitary writer’s lifestyle – you just need to find a way for this to co-exist with the writing in a healthy way.

What one piece of advice would you give to aspiring writers?

A: Try to learn something from everything you read. If a piece of writing works (or not), if you’re gripped (or not), if you’re transported to another place (or not) – how did the writer achieve this? Whether positive or negative, I try to learn and improve from every book I read.

Thank you for your time!

A: Thank you for inviting me!


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