Blog tour: The Seduction

Welcome to the blog tour for The Seduction, Joanna Briscoe’s latest novel, published in hardback today by Bloomsbury

Without further ado, let’s dive in…

Synopsis: Beth lives in the tree-shrouded no-man’s land by Camden with her partner Sol and their daughter Fern. Life is peaceful, but Beth is troubled by increasing unease. It could be the uncertainty of her mother, who disappeared when Beth was a child. Or it could be the sense that Fern is keeping secrets from her.

So she goes to therapy. Dr Tamara Bywater is there to help her patients. But what if the very person who is meant to be the solution becomes the most dangerous problem of all? And why is what’s bad for us so enticing?

How did this book end up in my hands? I was invited to take part in the novel’s blog tour, organised by Random Things Tours, and I was kindly given a free copy in exchange for an honest opinion, which follows below…

Was it a page-turner? Yes, absolutely. The book drew me in slowly but inexorably until I just couldn’t stop and I had to know where it all was heading.

Did the book meet my expectations? Yes, definitely. I have never seen a therapist but the relationship between therapist and client – and the transference phenomenon – have popped up in a couple of books I’ve recently read and The Seduction was exactly what I needed to delve deeper into this fascinating event. I felt palpable sexual tension between the two women but I never really knew what was happening. Was it real? Was it not? Only one way to find out…

Three words to describe it. Elegant. Gripping. Seductive.

Do I like the cover? Mmmm, not one of my favourite. The cover image has a certain elegance but I find it also quite clinical and this novel can be described as anything but clinical!

Have I read any other books by the same author? No, and I’m sitting here wondering how this could have happened. A major fault to be rectified at once!


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