My 2018 in books - according to Goodreads

Before January 2019 comes to an end, I thought I'd take a quick look back at my 2018 in books, with most of the graphics kindly provided by Goodreads.

To be honest, I don't know why I've never used this website before. Apparently I registered back in 2010 but I only started adding past books and keeping track of current reads this year. Do feel free to connect here as I love seeing at a glance what others are reading! Plus, the 'compare books' function is amazing!

Before I get too sidetracked, here's my 2018 in books:

I had set myself a reading target of 50 books and I was super pleased to reach a grand total of 76, which more than doubled my reading activity of previous years. I have been in the grip of the worst reading slump ever between 2011 and 2017 and I can't even think of all the books I've missed out on. Resuming my blog at the end of 2017 was the best decision ever as the bookish community has been a great motivator and support network.

More stats from Goodreads…

I was surprised to see that Distortion by Victor Dixen was the longest book I read in 2018 (see above). It certainly didn't feel long. In fact, it was over way too quickly. Even combining it with the first book in the Phobos trilogy, Ascension - which I also read in 2018 - it wouldn't have felt like the longest book. Hurry up, publication of the third book in the series!

I was also surprised by the fact that Little Women by Louisa May Alcott was the most popular book I read in 2018. It makes sense as it's one of the few classics I've read this year but I wasn't that enamoured of it when re-reading it for the first time since my early teens. It is still a great read and I would still love to spend a week with the March's sisters but all the preachiness throughout the book felt heavy and unnecessary.

My average rating, on the other hand, wasn't a surprise as I had a wonderful reading year! With very few exceptions, I read a splendid book after the other and I feel extremely lucky. Also not surprising is the fact the The Lion Tamer Who Lost by Louise Beech was the highest rated on Goodreads. What a book! I once told a fellow booklover that I am a sucker for beautiful and raw love stories. That's why Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson and Don't Move by Margaret Mazzantini are two of my favourite books ever. Now I have a third title to complete the triptych. You can find my review here but it is completely understated - as it's often the case when I am awed by a book.

I am now looking forward to a 2019 of equally splendid books! My new reading target is 60 books. Will I reach it? There is only one way to know… connect with me on Twitter or Goodreads. Let's talk books!


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