Blog tour: BElieve in YOUrself (BE YOU)

Welcome to the blog tour for BElieve in YOUrself (BE YOU) by Lexi Rees

More about the book…

Want your child to be more focused, feel calmer, and increase their self-belief?

This unique activity book is packed with fun, creative tasks, plus a wide variety of mindfulness strategies including

 visualisation exercises

 breathing techniques

 mindful arts and crafts 

 games to improve focus and concentration 

 mind and body detective skills

Written by primary school teacher and founder of Mindful Mentors, Sasha Mullen, and best-selling author and tutor, Lexi Rees, this fully illustrated activity book provides children with the essential tools to be their best selves, every single day.

More about the author…

Lexi Rees was born in Scotland but now lives down south. She writes action-packed adventures brim full of witch-doctors, fortune-tellers, warriors and smugglers, combining elemental magic with hints of dystopia. She also writes fun activity books for children. 

Her fantasy adventure, Eternal Seas, was awarded a "loved by" badge from LoveReading4Kids. The sequel, Wild Sky, is available now. 

She's passionate about developing a love of reading and writing in children and, as well as her Creative Writing Skills workbook, she has an active programme of school visits and other events, is a Book PenPal for three primary schools, and runs a free online #kidsclub and newsletter which includes book recommendations and creative writing activities.

In her spare time, she's a keen crafter and spends a considerable amount of time trying not to fall off horses or boats.

What I thought:

Full disclaimer:  I am a massive Lexi Rees fan. I have a 2-year-old daughter, so not quite the target audience for this book, but I strongly believe that these exercises are wonderful for adults too. I could certainly do with more mindfulness in my daily life!

The illustrations, as usual, are fresh and young and I can already tell they will be a lot of fun to colour in. Like the author’s previous work, it’s obvious that a lot of attention to detail went into crafting every single page.

More, please!



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