Book review: Resist

By Veronica Chambers
Published by HarperCollins 

Synopsis: You may only be one person, but you have the power to change the world.

Before they were activists, they were just like you and me. From Frederick Douglass to Malala Yousafzai, Joan of Arc to John Lewis, Susan B. Anthony to Janet Mock—these remarkable figures show us what it means to take a stand and say no to injustice, even when it would be far easier to stay quiet.

Resist profiles men and women who resisted tyranny, fought the odds, and stood up to bullies that threatened to harm their communities. Along with their portraits and most memorable quotes, their stories will inspire you to speak out and rise up—every single day.

How did this book end up in my hands? I was looking for a short audiobook on the BorrowBox app and this seemed perfect as each profile could be read independently of the others to fit around my time constraints.

Was it a page-turner? Once I started reading the profiles, it was hard to stop!

Did the book meet my expectations? This book is aimed at an audience of children between 8 and 12 and I wouldn’t hesitate to have my child read it. Other readers have complained that the information given is not accurate or complete but – given the brevity of each profile – I don’t think that’s fair. The main aim of the book is to inspire children to stand up for what is right and what they believe in rather than to detail the lives of these people. It’s a starting point and I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Three words to describe it. Inspiring. Educational. Stirring.

Do I like the cover? Yes, it’s bold and I think it is perfect to grab the attention of its target audience.

Have I read any other books by the same author? No, but I’d be interested to explore her other work too. This book also reminded of Rebel Voices, which I reviewed here and definitely recommend.


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