NEW! Reading challenge 2012

2011 marked my debut as reading challenge host and it couldn’t have been better! I discovered new book blogs, new authors, new titles and, generally, felt enriched by the whole experience. Reading books is a pleasure, sharing your thoughts on them is an even greater one!

Now that the new year is approaching at the speed of light, I don’t want to be caught unprepared. It is therefore without further ado that I invite you to join the…

Having chosen a specific subject for my previous reading challenges, all the books already waiting on my shelves have been kept waiting some longer. That’s why I decided not to set a theme for the new reading challenge: you can read what you want and as much as you want.

The rules:

1. The challenge will run from January, 1st 2012 to December, 31st 2012. You can join at any time from today but only reviews of books read in 2012 will be counted.

2. Read as many books as you like! You don’t necessarily have to set a goal but you can if you want to. In this case, please leave a comment below to share your target.

3. All genres are permitted as long as the books are commercially available, i.e. the books need to have been printed (no matter how long ago or if they are now out of print) and can be purchased (or borrowed), regardless of how difficult it is to track them down.

4. You don't need a blog to participate. Posting your reviews on GoodReads, Amazon or similar websites is also accepted.

5. You can post your reviews in English, Italian, French, German and Spanish.

6. Please share the details of this challenge by talking about it on Twitter and Facebook, by posting these rules on your blog, by displaying the logo on your sidebar etc. The more, the merrier!

7. There will be prize draws and competitions throughout the year. A book (possibly more) will automatically be awarded to the most prolific reader.

Please sign up below and come back in January to submit your review(s)…

For a list of all reviews submitted in January, please click here.
To submit your FEBRUARY reviews and/or check what the others have been reading, please click here.


  1. I'll take part this year on my Crafty Green Poet blog as I review at least three books most months over there. I'll be creating my own theme too, nature and the environment! Looking forward to it!

  2. Thanks for joining, Juliet! I look forward to reading your reviews. Ciao, Silvia

  3. I've signed up. I generally base my goal on what I've read the previous year so I'll hold back on setting it til the end of this year. Though I imagine it'll be about 150.

  4. I will try again to read sixty next year, which is what I am going for this year.

  5. I would like to join, and although the goals as stated by some have already left me startled, but what I can say is that I have at least a few on my table that I am desperate to read. However, as a computer science individual, I have my doubts that everyday folks would care much about what goes around behind the scenes in case of web enabled services. Still, as reads and subsequent reviews related to all the genres are welcome, hence, count me in.

  6. Hello Irfan! Thanks for joining this challenge. As I said, all genres can be reviewed. I'm sure that there are many readers out there who, like you, are interested in computer science. So... welcome!

  7. I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Italy in Books reading Challenge and will certainly continue to read your blog. However I think I will give your 2012 challenge a miss as I already post my reviews at a number of different sites and may be overdoing it if I post them ALL here as well. Good Luck with the project and thanks for hosting the Italy in Books this year.

  8. Oh, I'm in! I've enjoyed your reading challenge this year - it prompts me to keep reading and working at that huge TBR pile!

  9. @LindyLoucMac: And I've enjoyed reading your reviews. Are you sure you can't be tempted to join this challenge too? You can just participate with one book per month and still be in to win prizes... Just saying!

    @CharmedLassie: Great, don't forget to enter your details above to make it official. I hope that not setting a theme for the new reading challenge won't be seen as "lazy". I just thought that huge TBR piles might be an "issue" in many houses!

  10. I'd love to sign up. I started my blog only this year, and would like to be involved to encourage me to keep ploughing through my TBR list

  11. I hope I've grasped the nunaces of this - I love books and reading and reviewing them so I've added myself too. Can't promise to read hundreds but will certainly get through a few!

  12. I'm an avid reader when I get the time, but with a 3 month old and a 2 year old time is a bit lacking at the moment! So I'll say I'm going to read 12 books (1 a month!) and keep my fingers crossed that I get to enjoy a lot more than that :)

  13. Is it just a link to the review we need to post here?

  14. This is just the sign up page and you can just post the URL of your blog or - if you write a post about participating in this challenge - the URL of said post.

    The challenge officially starts on 1st January 2012 and I will then provide you with a different link to submit reviews.

    Hope this is clear. I'm here to answer any questions you might have.

  15. I'm in! I set a goal with a theme: 12 in '12 quilt cozy mysteries. Thanks for hosting a challenge we can customize however we want.

  16. Haven't got a blog yet, but this challenge might inspire me to create one! 2012 will be a year of firsts for me and I love a challenge!

  17. I'm a bit late in signing up but would love to take part. Jaffa and I read about 150 books last year, so think it will be pretty much the same again...we'll post our reviews on our blog. Looking forward to it :))

  18. I'm going to try for 50 books. I'm doing quite well so far but with a baby due in March it may all slip horribly!

  19. FYI: I changed my URL address. I am now at

    Thank you!!


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