1 month, 100 books: Week one

By @liveotherwise:

One week into our 100 book challenge, and to be honest, it's not looking too promising.

I'm keeping up my end of the bargain, in terms of the number of books I've read myself, but the children are lagging behind in their reading, and haven't got anywhere with their reviewing. Part way through the week we had the first mutiny as Big struggled with the idea of having to read and review, and I wondered if I was asking too much of her. But she pulled herself together and has made notes, so if we can only find a little time to sit together, we can write up the two books she's read so far, and we won't be looking quite so out of touch.

Small has read 2 books too. And the baby is very happy to be being read to - it's possibly her favourite activity. Other than eating chocolate! (She's a girl after my own heart.)

And I'm finding unexpected benefits. I'm finding a whole world of book blogs out there that I didn't know existed. And I'm having to read, which is something I used to do lots of, and haven't for over a year. But I'm not just reading the books I would choose, other people are choosing them for me, and that is unexpectedly great. Particularly Life of Pi, which I don't think I'd ever have picked up of my own accord, but which I really really loved.

I'm hoping I'll feel the same about the rest of the books I have in front of me, though I'm guessing I might not. Still, I'm bound to find a few new authors, and I'm looking forward to it. Even if it's also a little like hard work.

Week 1:
Big - Books read: 2. Reviews to write up: 2.
Small - Books read: 1.5. Reviews to write up. 1.
Jax - Books read: 4. Reviews to write up. 0.
Baby - books read - lots! 5 reviewed, 3 more to write up.

So we've read 15 books. That's only around 2 a day. We need to double that. Aargh.

Could do with a bit of cheering along if anyone out there would care to cheer!


To read all reviews written so far, you can click here! And if you're feeling generous and wish to make a donation towards the creation of an Oxfam Unwrapped library, please click here. Thank you!


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