LGBT reading challenge - Who's participating?

Here is a list of all the readers who have signed up to take part in the LGBT reading challenge 2011.

If your name is listed below, a huge thank you for signing up! I look forward to sharing reading experiences and talking about books with you in the New Year!

If your name is not listed... go and sign up now! You can register here and find out what it is all about here. And if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I'll reply asap.

01. Tony from Maryland, USA

02. Phillipe from Utah, USA
03. Juliet from Edinburgh, UK

04. Steven from Bradford, UK

05. Luci from London, UK

06. Jenny from Menith Wood, UK

07. Dorla from Texas, USA

08. Natalie from Sheffield, UK

09. Rosie from Canada/UK

10. Saranga from Norwich, UK

11. Natazzz from Groningen, the Netherlands

12. Chloe from Auckland, New Zealand

13. Abi from Ontario, Canada

14. Barbara from Germany

15. Lucy from Wakefield, UK

16. Shellie from Arizona, USA

17. Eric from Mexico City, Mexico

18. Kathy from Vermont, USA

19. Alice from the UK

20. Natalie from Sheffield, UK

21. The Bisexual Guy from New York, USA

22. Dante from Michigan, USA

23. J Seth from Arizona, USA

24. Orange Sorbet from Singapore

luna81de from Marburg, Germany
26. Irene from Bückeburg, Germany

27. MJ from Pennsylvania, USA

28. Sylva from Brno, Czech Republic

29. Michael from Alaska, USA

30. Susan from Brighton, UK

31. Rachel from Cambridge, UK

32. SJ from Leatherhead,UK


  1. Do you accept auto/biographies or does it have to be all fiction? What about web comics?

  2. Thanks for signing up, Saranga! I will accept anything related toLGBT issues or anything by an LGBT author. If in doubt when selecting a title, feel free to ask.

  3. Hej! Just a little info: actually I am from Hannover - the adress I gave was not mine.. ;") I hope you'll have a great week-end!! :")


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