Blog tour: The Last List of Mabel Beaumont

Welcome to the blog tour for The Last List of Mabel Beaumont by Laura Pearson!

More about the book…

Mabel Beaumont’s husband Arthur loved lists. He’d leave them for her everywhere. ‘Remember: eggs, butter, sugar’. ‘I love you: today, tomorrow, always’.

But now Arthur is gone. He died: softly, gently, not making a fuss. But he’s still left her a list. This one has just one item on it though: ‘Find D’.

Mabel feels sure she knows what it means. She must track down her best friend Dot, who she hasn’t seen since the fateful day she left more than sixty years ago.

It seems impossible. She doesn’t even know if Dot’s still alive. Also, every person Mabel talks to seems to need help first, with missing husbands, daughters, parents. Mabel finds her list is just getting longer, and she’s still no closer to finding Dot.

What she doesn’t know is that her list isn’t just about finding her old friend. And that if she can admit the secrets of the past, maybe she could even find happiness again…

More about the author…

Laura Pearson has an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Chichester. She lives in Leicestershire with her husband, their two children and a much-cuddled cat.

My impressions…

I decided to read this novel purely based on the beauty of the cover, and I am so glad that, in this case, I judged a book by its cover! What a marvellous story! In her 80s, Mabel loses her husband and gains a mission. But this book is so much more than the search for a missing friend. It is about love, friendship and the beauty of life. A must read!

Three words to describe it. Beautiful. Touching. Uplifting.

Do I like the cover? It is stunning!

Have I read any other books by the same author? No. Time to catch up!


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