Book review: A Hidden Hope

By Laura Ambrose

Synopsis: Natalie and El used to be writing critique partners, sharing their work chapter by chapter. Falling in love off-page was like the next part of the story. But after a huge falling out, three years have passed in bitter silence.

When they both appear at a science fiction convention in London, Natalie, a struggling writer, wants nothing to do with El, the hot debut novelist who sold her book at auction under a male pseudonym. But over the weekend, ignoring each other--and their attraction--proves impossible, not least because they have several panels together. Can El hope to atone for the mistakes of their past, and is Natalie willing to let hope fly?

How did this book end up in my hands? The author was looking for reviewers on Twitter and I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

Was it a page-turner? This is a novella and, therefore, relatively short. Despite this, I felt like I got to know the characters relatively well – their worries, their dreams, what made them tick. The alternating point of view added to my eagerness to know what would happen next.

Having read the synopsis, did the book meet my expectations? Yes. This is the first F/F romance I’ve read in a long time and it was exactly what I needed. I feared I would find the sex scenes awkward and almost an hindrance to the general plot but it was all very well balanced and elegantly written.

Did I like the ending? [no spoilers] I most certainly did. The only shame is that - with this being a novella - the end came to soon.

Three words to describe it. Sweet. Sexy. Geeky.

Do I like the cover? It is a nice cover in that it features a good-looking young woman but that’s not how I pictured either Natalie or El in my head so I don’t feel particularly attached to it.

Have I read any other books by the same author? I have read A Frozen Night, a short prequel to A Hidden Hope. You can receive it by signing up to the author’s newsletter here.

Will I be recommending this book? Yes, especially if you’re looking for a quick and cheeky read with a touch of romance and some writing tips thrown in!


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