Competition time: 5 copies of One Moment, One Morning

***This competition is now closed.***

For a chance to win a copy of this wonderful book by Sarah Rayner, courtesy of Picador, simply leave a comment below telling me how you like to spend your time when travelling by train.

One comment per person. One entry per comment. Please make sure to leave your contact details.

How can you get extra entries?
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Five copies available. The competition ends on Friday, February 5th at 14:00 GMT. Winners will be chosen at random and contacted on the same day.

If you missed my review of the book, please click here:

ThePrizeFinder - UK Competitions


  1. I travel by train quite a lot and like to listen to music and watch the scenery, or of course be engrossed in a great book!

  2. On the rare occasions of solitary travel (sans famille!), completely engrossed and curled up (metaphorically, of course..) with a good book...

  3. On the train I love to read, but I also love to people-watch and 'overhear' conversations!

  4. Bit of all of the above really, but mostly I like to spend any train journey's not having to constantly chase the kids and tell them to settle down, stop climbing on the seats etc!!!

    ~Congrats on getting your competitions off the ground, I added this one to my wishlist yesterday based on your review!

  5. I spend just under two hours everyday on the train and make great use of this time by reading.

  6. The best way to travel by train for me is to have a book with me and be so absorbed in it that I almost forget to get of at my station!

  7. Although I rarely use trains,I would spend the time sparking up conversations with others about whatever takes my fancy. An d of course,chat about the book I am currently reading. Spot the dogs,so absorbing!

  8. Reading & great conversation make the time fly.

  9. I have joind as Follower number 6 !

    I only ever travel by train when I am in another country and I like to strike up conversations with other travellers. It is surprising how much of a conversationb you can have, even with someone who speaks very little English.

    My husband, by contrast, is a grumpy old man and prefers to watch the scenery (mostly) and if the vistas get boring or we are travelling at night, to read.

  10. Reading foremost and people watching.

  11. Train journeys are just made for people watching and playing games. I love to play connect the ring tone with the traveller.

  12. I go by train to work and I always take a book. When I'm tired I prefer people watching.

  13. I tend not to be able to concerntrate when travelling,I'm always nervous about missing my stop so I buy a couple of magazines to pass the time

  14. I only travel by train when I go to visist freinds in London., I always take a notepad to scribble short stories in (and they grab off me to read lol) and my trusty ipod with my music playing away full blast in my ears!


  15. I always try to get a conversation started, and my favorite type of train are the old ones with compartments seating six, a great place both for silence and conversation. I've done several month-long trips through Europe by train and riding the trains in itself is a great pleasure.

    Whenever I'm travelling after dinner, I pack a few cans of beer in my backpack and more often than not, end up sharing them with the strangers I meet.

    In the Netherlands (where I live) there's a system whereby you and up to three others who are travelling with you get 40% discount if you have a special card. I don't have one, even though they're not all that expensive, but I always buy the discounted ticket and then ask people on the train if I can travel with them. It always works, and about half the time I end up talking to them for the duration of the journey.

  16. When I drive, I listen to Audio books! I can't do the same on the train, too many distractions! This morning, I read short stories, by F Scott Fitzgerald, including, The Strange Tale of Benjamin Button.

  17. Read a good book and the miles just disappear, I have to be careful not to miss my station though.

  18. I travelled every day by train during my uni days. Over three years i read the full Wilkie Collins collection, and loved rushing for thetrain, for a great 30 minutes read!


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